Can I Feed Beef Liver for My Chihuahua Mix

I've been getting quite a few questions well-nigh raw liver for dogs, including:

  • What type of meat is liver?
  • What'due south in liver?
  • How much raw liver do dogs need per twenty-four hours (adult dogs & puppies)?
  • How exercise I feed raw liver for dogs?
  • What types of liver can my canis familiaris eat?
  • Can I cook raw liver for dogs?
  • What if my dog doesn't want to swallow raw liver?
  • How long tin can I air-condition and freeze raw liver?
  • Tin I re-freeze raw liver for dogs?
  • What happens when my dog eats too much liver?
  • Where practice I purchase raw liver for dogs?

So today, I'thousand combining them all into 1 blog post – if you have whatsoever additional questions, please leave them beneath this blog mail in the comment section.

For anyone who's new to the blog: How-do-you-do, I'm your host Barbara! I'k a raw domestic dog food nerd and have been feeding my iii pups homemade and store-bought raw dog food since 2015.

Liver for Dogs: All Your Questions Answered

Raw liver for dogs - All your questions answered

Disclaimer: This blog mail contains affiliate links. I may earn compensation when you click on some of the links at no additional cost to you.

What Type Of Meat Is Liver?

You probably know that liver is an organ. Notwithstanding, information technology's non Simply an organ, just in raw feeding circles, it's known equally a secreting organ.

All organs that secrete a substance fall into that category. Others are:

  • Pancreas
  • Kidneys
  • Testicles & ovaries
  • Brains
  • Eyes
  • Spleen
  • Thymus

How Much Raw Liver Do Dogs Demand Per Mean solar day?

Adult dogs demand to consume ten% of secreting organs per day.

Since one-half of that needs to be liver, dogs need five% of liver in their daily allowance of raw dog food.

The other 5% demand to exist covered by a dissimilar secreting organ like the ones I mentioned above.

-> Puppies demand to eat 12% of secreting organs per 24-hour interval, half-dozen% of which needs to be liver.

How To Practice The Math

So how much liver does Y O U R domestic dog need to eat in ounces per twenty-four hours?

Here's how to do that math:

Take your dog's target body weight and divide it by 100. Then multiply information technology with 2.5.

-> Why 2.v?

Well, ii.5% is a maintenance percentage that keeps your dog at their current weight. Pregnant dogs and working dogs who use significantly more than energy demand to exist fed at a higher maintenance pct, up to four%. But the boilerplate developed canis familiaris volition be fine with ii.5%, maybe 3%.

This formula will give you lot your dog's daily food assart in pounds. Of that, 5% needs to be liver.

Allow's calculate that amount for a 60lb canis familiaris:

sixty(body weight)/100 = 0.6×2.5(feeding percentage)=1.5lb.

That's 24oz (1lb=16oz).

Now, v% of those 24oz is the corporeality of liver your adult dog needs to consume per day.

That's 1.2oz of liver per 24-hour interval for a 60lb adult dog.

If your dog eats two meals per day and you want to repast prep ahead of time, y'all'll need to add half of that, 0.6oz, to each nutrient storage container.

Raw Liver For Dogs: All Your Questions Answered
Raw liver is an of import function of homemade raw dog food meal prep!

What'southward in Liver?

Liver is one of Mother Nature's multivitamins and rich in nutrients, specially in Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is a powerful anti-oxidant that supports your dog's digestion and reproductive organs.

By the way, according to Dogs Naturally Magazine, wolves swallow the organs of their prey first, because they instinctively know how nutrient-rich they are.

Interesting, huh?!

Good to know: Organs that don't secrete a substance like lung and center are considered muscle meat in raw feeding.

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What Types Of Raw Liver Tin Dogs Eat?

Dogs can eat liver from a large variety of animals, for example:

  • Chicken
  • Beefiness/Bison
  • Elk
  • Turkey
  • Duck
  • Rabbit
  • Lamb
  • Pork
  • Goat
  • Ostrich
  • Deer

Every bit a thing of fact, information technology'south highly recommended that you switch between as many different animals as you can source and that your pup does OK with.

Raw Liver For Dogs: All Your Questions Answered
Beef liver for dogs from Raw Paws Pet Food. Utilise discount code K9Savings for xv% off.
Raw Liver For Dogs: All Your Questions Answered
Goat liver for dogs from Raw Feeding Miami. Use my RFM referral link for 10% off.

That'southward because different animals have varying levels of nutrients.

Chicken liver, for example, is not virtually as nutritious as liver from other animals.

Raw Liver For Dogs: All Your Questions Answered
Cuts of raw venison I feed my dog, including venison liver

If your dog has severe food sensitivities to a variety of protein sources, you'll have to stick to the fauna your pup does fine with. This will most likely exist rabbit because information technology'south considered to be a hypoallergenic type of meat.

However, you'll have to provide an alternative source of the nutrients your pup is missing out on. You can easily do this with dehydrated veggie & herb or nut mixes from brands like Dr. Harvey's or The Honest Kitchen. | I add Dr. Harvey's Paradigm to my raw dog food, including raw liver for dogs
Dr. Harvey's Paradigm turns a express-ingredient raw meal into balanced dog food.
The Honest Kitchen Base Mix
The Honest Kitchen's grain-complimentary Base Mix tin can be mixed with express-ingredient raw dog food.

How Do I Feed Liver To My Dog?

Ideally, you desire to feed the liver RAW.

That said, you lot can either make your own homemade raw dog food or purchase pre-made raw dog nutrient from trusted brands. For example, Raw Paws Pet Food, Darwin's or Raw Feeding Miami.

I personally alternate between both options. Whenever I can become a proficient deal on pre-made raw meals, I purchase some! Likewise, when I find discounted individual cuts of raw meat, I buy them as well!

That'south a great style of keeping your raw dog food on budget, but it obviously requires a freezer.

Pre-Made Raw Canis familiaris Food With Liver

I'm not aware of any reputable raw dog nutrient brands that wouldn't include raw liver in their formulas, so y'all can't go terribly wrong here. Once more, that's considering raw liver is an essential office of raw feeding!

You can detect pre-made raw dog nutrient meals from Raw Paws Pet Food here. They're called "Signature Blends" (their green tripe blends are not complete foods, but can as well exist establish in that department).

Raw Feeding Miami calls their pre-made raw meals "grinds".

Darwin's offers an overview of their pre-made raw canis familiaris food here.

Homemade Raw Dog Food With Liver

Simply cut the liver upward into smaller pieces and so use them come up repast prep time. If you're not dainty, you can even tear liver into smaller pieces with your easily, that'south how soft it is. | Doing meal prep at home for Wally's raw dog food
Doing repast prep for Wally's raw dog food. This includes raw liver.

However, some dogs are fussy with secreting organs and will take some time getting used to eating them. That'southward particularly true for smaller dogs.

What you tin practice in the concurrently is chop it upwardly or purée it with a food processor, then mix information technology in with the rest of the raw canis familiaris food you're feeding.

Which brings me to the next question!

Can I Cook Raw Liver For My Canis familiaris?

Yes, y'all tin can.

Cooking liver for dogs is some other alternative for getting them to warm upwards to this secreting organ, pun intended.

Lightly cooking calf liver for Missy's dog cancer diet
Cooking calf liver for dogs

Dogs whose immune systems are compromised because of cancer or other illnesses sometimes do better with cooked food as opposed to raw food.

Only it actually depends on the dog – some continue to do fine with raw meat, and others don't.

Side note: I do non melt or recommend that anyone cook raw bones. That's because the cooking process turns them brittle and sharp.

When they're raw, they're super soft and pliable – even I can break a raw duck neck in one-half with but my easily, and I'm not the strongest person!

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Alternative: Feed Liver Dog Treats

If yous're not crazy about handling raw liver, yous can also treat your pup with store-bought dehydrated or freeze-dried liver dog treats.

Make sure that they're unmarried-ingredient treats made with only liver!

Dehydrated liver dog treat
Dehydrated beef liver dog treat

Liver For Dogs: Where Tin I Buy Raw Liver?

Information technology's fairly like shooting fish in a barrel to source raw liver locally, either in grocery stores or from local farms. Another option are hunters and wildlife processors too as raw domestic dog food retailers such as Raw Paws Pet Nutrient and Raw Feeding Miami (by far my two favorite ones).

Grocery stores + Walmart

Most grocery stores carry chicken and dogie or beef liver, and that includes Walmart.

Raw Paws Pet Food

You can likewise become beef liver and craven liver from Raw Paws Pet Food.

Utilize my disbelieve code K9Savings for 15% off.

Hunters + Wildlife Processors

Y'all can get your easily on deer liver from hunters or wild animals processors, simply do make sure that you freeze it for 3 weeks earlier feeding information technology.

That ensures that information technology's free of parasites. Yous tin can read more virtually safely feeding your dog wild venison here.

Local Farms (e.g. Ostrich Farms)

Since ostrich farms are starting to become more of a thing here in the US, chances are there's one not likewise far away from you. Well-nigh sell ostrich liver and ostrich heart, as well equally some basis version of ostrich meat.

I found one super close to me here in Cardinal NC who sell their ostrich meat at a local Farmer's Market place.

Raw Liver For Dogs: All Your Questions Answered
Picking upwardly ostrich meat including ostrich liver at a Farmer's Market

Raw Feeding Miami

It gets a lot more tricky to notice raw liver from other animals like rabbit and goat locally unless there'due south a specific farm nearby, which is why I personally get mine from Raw Feeding Miami.

They're an online raw dog nutrient supplier who offers a huge variety of different cuts of meat, including other secreting organs too liver, from just as many different animals.

Goat liver, beefiness eyeballs and kangaroo chunks, anyone?!

Tip: Save 10% on your RFM orders with my referral link.

What If My Dog Doesn't Desire To Eat Liver?

Well, may I suggest you lot use some tough honey!

Liver is essential to raw feeding and ideally shouldn't exist substituted past other foods.

However sometimes, this is necessary, for case when feeding Dalmatians raw domestic dog food. But that'due south a dissimilar story, and if you're interested in finding out more about that, please click here.

But back to the tough beloved.

The good matter nigh feeding liver is that your pup doesn't crave a whole lot of it.

For example, a 10 lb developed dog only needs 0.two oz of liver per solar day, and fifty-fifty a 50 lb adult dog but needs 1 daily oz of liver!

Keeping that in mind, the easiest way of hiding liver is to purée or chop it, and and then mix information technology in with the other cuts of meat you feed your canis familiaris.

Attempt mixing it with some green tripe – that should do the play tricks because green tripe is stinky and irresistible to dogs!

Tip: Apply my affiliate discount code K9Savings for xv% off.

If you want to accept it upwardly a notch, stuff a beefiness trachea or lamb trachea with the light-green tripe/liver mix.

How Long Can I Refrigerate And Freeze Liver For Dogs?

You lot tin can keep thawed liver in the fridge for up to 4 days.

In the freezer, it lasts upwards to a full year, probably even a little longer.

The longest I personally take kept liver in my chest freezer is effectually 9 months.

Raw Liver For Dogs: All Your Questions Answered
Wally's very ain breast freezer also holds raw liver in bulk

Can I Refreeze Thawed Liver?

Yep, you can.

I've done this many times since I usually have some liver left over afterward raw repast prep.

Liver For Dogs: What Happens When My Domestic dog Eats As well Much Liver?

When your pup gets too much liver, he's going to have loose bowels.

If he truly ate a ginormous meal of liver, chances are he'll come down with Vitamin A toxicity since liver is very rich in Vitamin A.

Symptoms of Vitamin A toxicity are:

  • languor
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • weakness
  • tremors
  • paralysis, and
  • ultimately decease.

That's why you don't want to overfeed liver!

Also be mindful of how many dehydrated or stale liver treats you hand out.

Liver For Dogs: Bottom Line | Liver for Dogs: Your Questions Answered

Liver for dogs is one of the essential secreting organs in raw feeding.

Y'all don't need a lot for your pup, merely that doesn't mean that you tin overlook information technology, at to the lowest degree not on a regular basis. And certainly not when you're feeding your puppies raw domestic dog food (upward to 12 months of age)!

It's important to know how much liver you can requite your canis familiaris on a daily basis. The exact amount will depend on your pup'south (target) weight.

They'll merely need v% of liver of their daily raw canis familiaris food assart.

Feeding too much liver can cause diarrhea "at best" and Vitamin A toxicity at worst.

Related Reading to Raw Liver for Dogs:

I utilize this hack to store my secreting organ mixes (liver, kidney etc)

How to effigy out how much raw domestic dog food to feed

How to feed raw beef eyeballs for dogs – avant-garde level (+ free raw dog food recipe)

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Raw Liver For Dogs: All Your Questions Answered {Updated for 2022} was terminal modified: May 31st, 2022 by Barbara Rivers


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