Salt and Pepper Rub for Beef Brisket

Texas Style Angus Brisket

Have you always stood in line to eat badass Texas-style Angus brisket and wonder if it was possible to make it at dwelling? Well you in luck not just did nosotros knock out some killer Salt & Pepper Brisket but we did it low and slow, the way it's supposed to exist cooked.

What you lot'll need

  • Beef Brisket
  • Salt & pepper
  • Butchers paper (or aluminum foil)
  • A cold i or two to drink while waiting

The Prep

Now cooking a beefiness brisket - fifty-fifty an Angus brisket - is not as hard as some volition make you think. You tin exercise it likewise! If y'all set up the melt correctly and know your pit well, yous tin start right away. Having said that, here are some things to take care of before firing up the smoker.

First, clean the pit. This is going to be a long cook, and yous desire to do information technology under the best conditions possible.

 Next, trim the brisket. Remove the silverskin and trim downwardly any backlog fat that won't render down during cooking. Specially when dealing with college grade beefiness, the marbling on the inside is going to give the meat more than enough flavour. Brand sure to circular up whatsoever precipitous corners on the brisket, since those will hands burn during the cook.

Finally, season the meat. We did a Texas-style Angus brisket, so it was straight table salt and pepper on that. But feel gratis to be creative and experiment. After all, BBQ is nigh doing what you savour.

The Cook

Time to become those coals blood-red-hot. Once you have a good for you coal bed and enough fuel to last a few hours, suit your smoker for low and irksome. You want to keep the cooking temp around 250ºF (121ºC). Add some smoke wood, and when that's all ready, place the beef brisket over indirect oestrus.

Some volition inquire, what's the do good to cooking low 'n' slow? Is the extra time really worth it? The answer is that it truly depends on what you lot want.

Cooking slower ways you lot get more of that smoky season, and in the case of Angus beef or others of that course, it gives time to the marbling inside to render downward. But cooking hot & fast means y'all'll be eating a LOT sooner, so exercise what you like!

Let the briskets soak upward the heat until the color looks right, then it'south fourth dimension to move on to the next stride.

At present, in one case y'all get the colour right (the bark should be dark, nearly black), go ahead and wrap them. Y'all can use either butcher's newspaper or aluminum foil. There's a whole contend most that, and the lesser line is you can use whichever you remember is best. I used butcher'southward paper on this cook.

The Payoff

Put the wrapped Texas-style Angus briskets back on the cooker. Start monitoring internal temperature, and pull them correct when they hit 203ºF (95ºC). Open upwardly the newspaper or foil to let the meat steam and stop the cooking process, so residue before carving into it.




  • Beef Brisket

  • Table salt & pepper

  • Butchers newspaper (or aluminum foil)

  • A cold one or ii to drink while waiting


  1. Step one, trimming the brisket: remove the silverskin and trim down any excess fat. Round up whatsoever sharp corners that will hands burn during the melt.

  2. Next, season the brisket. Since this is Texas mode, you lot only need salt & pepper.

  3. Preheat the cooker to 250ºF (121ºC) and add some smoke woods.

  4. When that'south all set, place the beef brisket over indirect heat.

  5. Let the brisket soak up the rut until the colour looks correct (the bark should be dark, most black).

  6. Fourth dimension to wrap. You can use either butcher's paper or aluminum foil.

  7. Put the wrapped Texas-style Angus brisket back on the cooker. Start monitoring internal temperature.

  8. Pull correct when cadre temp hits 203ºF (95ºC).

  9. Open up up the paper or foil to let the meat steam and stop the cooking procedure, then rest earlier carving into information technology.


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