what first alerts scrooge to the presence of the second spirit

Asked past: Donny Fontelles
asked in category: General Last Updated: 6th June, 2020

What does Scrooge think has acquired this ghost to announced?

Initially, Scrooge believes that the appearance of Marley'southward ghost is a result of indigestion. Hither Scrooge discerns another reason for the presence: his old friendship with Marley. In this moment, Marley'south desire to help out his old friend has caused the ghost to appear.

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Also to know is, what does Scrooge think has caused this ghost to appear Why does Scrooge doubt that Marley's ghost is actually in front of him?

Scrooge thinks a slight disorder in his stomach may have caused Marley'south appearance. He thinks Marley might be an undigested piece of beef, a absorb of mustard, a crumb of cheese, or a fragment of an underdone irish potato. Scrooge doubts the presence of Marley considering he recall his senses take been afflicted.

Also, when did the ghost of Marley tell Scrooge the first two visitors would come? He says that Scrooge will be visited by 3 spirits over the next three nights--the get-go two appearing at 1 o'clock in the forenoon and the final spirit arriving at the last stoke of midnight.

Keeping this in view, what emotions has Scrooge felt during Marley's visit?

What is his mood like after Marley leaves? Scrooge is frightened. He is not sure if he is going crazy or not or have really had food poisoning.

What does Marley tell Scrooge he's been doing in the seven years since his death?

Marley explains to Scrooge that for the past seven years since his death he has been "sentenced" to wandering the World conveying heavy chains in punishment for his sins. He is forced to walk "among humanity in decease as he never did in life" witnessing the harsh realities of life.

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Source: https://askinglot.com/what-does-scrooge-think-has-caused-this-ghost-to-appear

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