Never Before Never Again Survivor Series

According to, John Cena and The Rock volition join forces to squad up at Survivor Serial for the commencement and possibly but time e'er.

"Never Before. Never Over again."

That is the slogan for their beginning ever team up at Survivor Series and according to, they are teaming upwardly in a traditional 5-on-five man traditional elimination style Survivor Series lucifer.

On i side, nosotros'll accept The Rock, John Cena and iii other men. Who those three other men are is however to be determined.

And on the other side, we volition have a team of five superstars who accept also withal to exist publicized for the match.

But 1 matter we do know is that this lucifer volition pit 2 eventual opponents as a team and could help make the match more interesting.

But aside from the two announced participants, who could the residual of the participants be?

Here's a small look as to who they could be. Starting time, a wait at the three partners that John Cena and The Rock can have on their Survivor Series team.


Just recently, Sheamus's brownie as a confront has started to grow. He's getting cheered everywhere he goes and his pops could friction match those of the superlative faces of the WWE.

I see Sheamus having side by side to nothing important to do effectually this time, making him a possibility for being one of Cena and Rock's partners at Survivor Series, particularly since he'southward a proven chief-upshot name for a lucifer involving two of the biggest names in the concern.

CM Punk

The latest top star that the WWE has fabricated. CM Punk could be a part of this friction match to fill up upward the "star" status and considering he could make an entertaining friction match even more entertaining just because he's the "best in the globe."

Information technology could happen merely then again information technology can't, peculiarly if he's still feuding with Triple H at the time.

Rey Mysterio

Currently injured and hundred-to-one to return in time, Mysterio seems like a far choice from joining Squad Bring Information technology and the Cenation, just anything tin can happen right?

I dubiety it'll happen though, but yet, Mysterio can definitely add more star power.

Triple H

This also seems similar a long shot, especially since he has stated that he will only announced when he's actually needed.  If he loses this Sunday, he may not be needed anymore considering, let'south face it, he was brought in to exist the COO and take Vince McMahon off of Tv set, not to wrestle on a consistent basis.

Either way though, he could be brought in because he'south "needed" for the star power.

Daniel Bryan

He's the Coin in the Depository financial institution contract holder and has said that he intends on cashing it in at Wrestlemania.

Merely you don't deserve the main effect for Wrestlemania until y'all testify yourself.

What ameliorate style to practice it and prove that you lot deserve to be champion then by existence in the band with The Rock and John Cena, and surviving long enough to keep the millions of eyes watching interested and realize that you are worthy of being chosen champion?

Alex Riley

Why non? He's already been involved with The Rock and John Cena before, earlier this yr in fact, and he is slowly a ascent star.

What amend mode to become him to the summit then by putting him alongside the team of two elevation-draws in John Cena and The Rock?

John Morrison

A likely choice, unless he leaves the company by then.

He could aid with the star power and prove himself as a capable star in the chief event that tin can be in the same ring every bit two of the biggest draws in WWE history.

Ted Dibiase

The recently turned confront, Million Dollar Son, Ted Dibiase seems to be receiving that push that has eluded him from the beginning of the Legacy split.

But the problem is, volition that push last enough to propel him to the "promised land"?

If he gets to become a fellow member of John Cena and The Rock's team, and then it may exist prophylactic to say that his spot every bit a top talent could exist secured.

Big Prove

Injured past Mark Henry, Big Show could come back with a rage and help dominate alongside The Stone and John Cena, especially if Mark Henry'south on the opposite side of the band.

He'south a big proper noun talent as well and can help more than damage Rock and Cena.

Randy Orton

As the face of Smackdown (it hurts to say information technology just it's truthful), Randy Orton can help squad Rock and Cena dominate just considering he'southward good at information technology.

He likewise brings name value to the match, merely it'southward unlikely that he'south involved because he'south going to exist defending the World Heavyweight Championship against someone else. (That's correct, I know he'southward walking in as champion come up Survivor Series time).

Chris Jericho

What better way to render than by returning at 1 of the biggest PPVs of the year in a match with two of the biggest stars of the WWE in its entire history?

It's highly unlikely though, as Jericho seems satisfied for the time being, but he has stated that he wanted to return renewed and with a bang.

And what a meliorate return for him than at Survivor Series?

Mick Foley

Another star who has stated his willingness and possibility to return to the WWE, mayhap at Survivor Serial?

He is a large name that could add to the star-studded match and can also bring dorsum memories of the Stone 'north' Sock Connection.

At present any of these stars could be a part of Team Cena and The Rock, or it can be anyone else that's a face at the time such equally Kofi Kingston and Sin Cara.

Who do you recollect though, could be the three remaining partners for the Rock and John Cena?

How well-nigh their opponents?

They are set to face a team of five, but who can those five be?

Here'southward a quick look every bit to who they can be.

The Miz

This choice is basically a no-brainer since he was involved with Rock and Cena around Wrestlemania time.

Plus, he's one of the WWE's meridian heels.

He'southward nigh a shoe-in to make it in the match, no dubiousness virtually it.


If Miz is in, R-Truth tin also be in because they are the "Awesome Truth."

Unless a conspiracy prevents Truth from participating, expect to see him in the lucifer, especially since he's i of the WWE's height heels at this time.

Mark Henry

He'due south been a dominant wrestler lately and y'all tin expect to come across him on squad Anti-Rock and Cena, peculiarly since he's credible enough right at present to be in the principal event and because he can add together that subversive force that every team needs.


Lately, he'south been put dorsum to the pinnacle of the midcard at the lowest.

His once chief event presence is gone and his status every bit Smackdown'south acme heel can exist questioned, simply one thing that remains the aforementioned is that he's ane of Smackdown's meridian stars and tin exist relied on for anything, then information technology'southward possible to expect him in this friction match.

Wade Barrett

Call back when he was fighting for the WWE championship this fourth dimension last year?

Remember when he was dominating the master effect scene?

And where is he at present?

That'south right, the midcard.

But lately, Wade Barrett has been on a quest to redeem himself, and as he starts gaining more than success once more, he could become Smackdown's top heel.

An inclusion in this match could assist exercise wonders for the bare-knuckled brawler and can help reignite the Winds of Change by making them accident again.

Cody Rhodes

Possibly the next primary upshot star that the WWE produces, his interest in this lucifer tin can assistance him finally taste the main event scene.

Kevin Nash

Let'southward face it, he's coming back and may intend on fighting off the people who are stealing his spotlight.

He may be on the opposing team, especially if either Triple H or CM Punk are on the other side confronting him.

He can bring the nostalgia gene too and help with the star presence that he apparently has, also with the forcefulness that seems to be his specialty.

Out of these stars, who can almost likely be on the opposing team?

Volition the selected five include these names or will names such as Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler be included?

Comment below and tell me who y'all retrieve the remaining three participants for team John Cena and The Stone could be and who their opponents's team of v could include.

Call up, you have a voice. Apply it and don't let it become to waste.


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